ABMInsider | How to build an eight-figure business in less than a decade

Published: Tue, 09/17/19

  September 17, 2019
In our latest issue
How Travis McDonough built a multi-million-dollar enterprise in just six years
Travis McDonough is the founder and CEO of Kinduct, a Halifax-based but world-leading data and analytics software company. You may not know exactly what that means and you may have never even heard of his company, but you almost certainly know the names of many of the clients who depend on Kinduct to become the best a man—or woman, or team, or ultimately, McDonough hopes, anyone of any gender or orientation or, perhaps especially, health status—can be.
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In our latest issue
Bearing witness to an industrial revolution
I found this gem this morning: “the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the poor that being poor was their own fault.” In a convoluted way, it got me thinking about the evolution of small business—more specifically, how we think about it. It is convoluted, but bear with me. One week after my first birthday, my parents did what generations of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians have been forced to do: move ‘away’ in search of work. Back then, the go-to destination was Toronto. Everyone knew it was the centre of Big Business in Canada, and where Big Business lived, gainful employment was sure to follow. So it was said and so it came to pass: dad joined Alcan’s accounting team soon after we landed.
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