ABMInsider: The Best Restaurants in St. John’s for a Business Lunch

Published: Tue, 09/18/18

  SEPTEMBER 18, 2018
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The Best Restaurants in St. John’s for a Business Lunch
Sharing a meal is a great way to get to know clients and lighten the mood when talking about tough subjects — who can get mad over a plate of spaghetti? Atlantic Business Magazine asked local business owners and executives to tell us about their favourite restaurants in St. John’s to host a business lunch. The answers will make your mouth water.
five things to know about business in Atlantic Canada...
Atlantic Canada’s Entrepreneurs Head to G20 Summit in Buenos Aires
Futurpreneur Canada has announced the 30 Canadians who will attend this year’s G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance Summit in Buenos Aires. Three entrepreneurs from Atlantic Canada will travel to the summit taking place September 18 to 21. From New Brunswick Jeff Alpaugh of Dangerous Dress Shirts will be attendance, while Newfoundland and Labrador is represented by Katie Gillespie of Fulfilament and Peter Francis of HelpMeOrder.
Read more 'Five things'...
In our latest edition
Judgement day
Guilty of fraud, sentenced to jail: how did it come to this? The story behind Knowledge House Inc. and the longest criminal trial in Nova Scotia history
Read story...
Call for nominations
Atlantic Business Magazine’s 2019 Top 50 CEO awards

Award winners typically lead successful Atlantic Canadian companies earning at least $5 million in annual revenue. They are also innovative industry leaders and proud community supporters who are actively improving the quality of life in Atlantic Canada.

Click here for more information and to submit a nomination
Upcoming events in Atlantic Canada
SEPTEMBER 18-25, 2018
This half-day event in each of the four Atlantic provinces invites attendees to think critically and creatively about potential solutions to ongoing economic challenges.
Registration is still open!
Placentia Bay Industry Showcase
SEPTEMBER 18-20, 2018
Bringing businesses together to grow and build. In addition to the showcase this year will also include a bus tour of Argentia (Sept 18) and business awards (Sept 19).
Register today!
Energy Innovations Forum 2018
Hear from innovators already creating this new energy future and network with international, national and regional leaders.
Get more info here
CORE Energy Conference
OCT 2-3, 2018 | HALIFAX
Setting the stage: Canada's East Coast Energy Future. Don't miss out! Early bird registration runs through the month of August.
Register today!
LIST YOUR EVENT IN THE NEXT ISSUE OF ABMInsider | Click here for details