ABMInsider | Deadline for 25 Most Powerful Women in Business awards – get your tickets NOW

Published: Tue, 02/14/23

February 14, 2023

Dear ABMInsider,

Greetings on a snowbound Valentine’s Day in Newfoundland and Labrador! I’ve just come in from round one of shovelling and, with a promised 30 cm set to land later today, guaranteed I’ll be out there again before supper. Looks like Mother Nature is determined for me to get my full workout – leg day, arm day AND cardio, all in one. Oh joy!

I can’t believe it, but it’s been a full month since my last newsletter. Sorry for going incommunicado. I wasn’t ghosting you on purpose, it’s just been THAT busy since the New Year. In between the launch of the January issue and putting together our March “power” issue, we’ve been coordinating our Top 50 CEO award nominations (a record high this year!) and planning for our 25th anniversary gala in May. But most of our energy has been consumed with what’s happening in March.

On International Women’s Day (March 8), we’re hosting Atlantic Canada’s 25 Most Powerful Women in Business awards at the Lighthouse Arts Centre in Halifax. This is our third annual edition of this awards, but our first time hosting it as a gala event. In year one, we announced the winners in the magazine. In year two, we added a series of luncheon award presentations. This year, interest had grown so much that we knew we had to elevate the program to match the women being honoured. The theme - To Uplift, and Lift Up – is a concise definition of what these awards stand for: celebrating powerful women, who in turn use their power to lift others. It promises to be a very exciting evening and you’re going to be disappointed if you’re not there.

Speaking of which, ticket sales close February 27 or when we sell out – whichever come first (and sales have been very robust so far). You can click here for more information.

Here's another deadline you won't want to miss: March 1 is the deadline for submissions for our annual Employers of Diversity awards. This program recognizes Atlantic Canadian companies instituting measurable benchmarks to increase the diversity of their corporate culture. These initiatives might include diversity targets, health accommodations, flexible work options, respectful workplace policies, parental supports and other creative programs. If your company is working to increase the presence of marginalized populations on your staff and in leadership positions—including women, indigenous people, people of colour, people with disabilities and people from the LGBTQ+ community—we urge you to submit a nomination.

Well, that’s enough from me for now. The effects of my first workout are making themselves heard and my heating pad awaits. Stay safe out there.
Dawn Chafe
Executive editor & co-owner



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