ABMInsider | Thanks to our forever friends, the Top 50 CEO Hall of Famers

Published: Tue, 05/03/22

May 3, 2022

Dear ABMInsider,

One of the advantages of being a bi-monthly publication is that we have the luxury of being more than news; we have the opportunity to deliver the backstory. A little bit of personal backstory: I’m not a singer nor do I have the slightest bit of musical talent (even my kindest critics would describe me as tone deaf). But that doesn’t stop me from having song snippets playing constantly in my head. It might be a show tune, or a power ballad, or a 50-year-old commercial, or even this delightfully annoying ear worm (you’re welcome), but it’s always something.

This week’s theme song is Elvis Presley’s “You were always on my mind.” The “You” in this instance being corporate events (yes, my mind does make the strangest connections).

Every time I’ve opened my email or social media account this past week, I’ve seen posts about a different event. Today, for instance, the Halifax Chamber of Commerce is hosting their sold-out State of the Province address with Premier Tim Houston. Tomorrow night is their annual Spring Dinner. Next week, the St. John’s Board of Trade is hosting a two-day Business Bootcamp with panels and workshops and networking sessions.

Then, of course, there’s our very own Top 50 CEO awards, happening nine days from now. As we bear down on what will be our busiest week of the year, preparing to greet hundreds of guests in a celebration of Atlantic Canadian corporate leadership excellence, I’m overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude.

This will be our first in-person gala since 2019, and I’m not afraid to admit there were times we wondered if we—and this event—would survive. The fact that it did, and that we will this year celebrate the 24th anniversary of this awards program, is largely due to the support of our friends and colleagues throughout the region.

I’m not going to lie: if you’re going to do it in style, hosting an in-person awards gala is a frighteningly expensive and time-consuming venture. But we’ve always believed it was worth the investment and, more importantly, that the people we honour are worth the effort.

Thankfully, our sponsors think and feel the same way, both those who stood with us for two consecutive years of virtual events (Grant Thornton, Stewart McKelvey, Micco Group of Companies, Fox Harb’r, Atlantic Chamber of Commerce, Maritime Paper) and those who are joining us for the first time (m5, Encore, UNI and InCamera). We really, truly, could not do this without you. That’s not a gratuitous statement, that’s a fact.

Fair warning: I’m probably going to choke up a bit when I’m standing on that stage next week and looking out at the number of Hall of Famers in the room—the five-time winners who have graduated from the Top 50 program.

The fact that they continue to support this event and this awards program by buying tickets and tables shows not just how much the award has meant to them personally, but also demonstrates their support for the latest generation of Top 50 CEOs. It shows that they recognize the award isn’t just about them: it’s about building a legacy of inspirational leadership for future generations.

Your support validates all of our efforts. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being a friend.

Dawn Chafe
Executive editor & co-owner