ABMInsider | Can a “boss” ever really switch off?

Published: Tue, 12/14/21

December 14, 2021

Dear Reader,

It’s been a frustrating few days. And it’s more than the usual holiday stress.

I have family home for the holidays. My son, his wife and my grandchildren flew home for Christmas. It’s their first Christmas home in six years. And because of Covid, we only saw them once in the past 24 months. Needless to say, this holiday is extra special.

I didn’t take much time off this year (two and a half days, to be exact) because I was saving my vacation to dedicate that time to them. Sadly, it’s not turning out that way.

Instead of giving them my undivided attention, I’m working partial days—and answering texts, emails and phone calls in my “off” time.

It’s no one’s fault. All of those contacts are urgent items requiring immediate action. I have magazines to produce. Web content to edit. Marketing materials requiring sign-off. Events to organize.

My co-owner is doing the same. We know this is what we have to do it if we’re going to take this business to the next level. But knowing that, and actually making those sacrifices, are two very different things.

I admit, I’m new at this. So, any advice to help a fledgling “boss” not feel like the worst mother and grandmother on the planet? And to not feel like I’m letting my co-workers down by taking time off?
Dawn Chafe
Executive editor & co-owner